Development Processes

Modern Web Development Setup – The Testing Environment (2/2)

Test Strategy for the Authentication Service I come from the embedded software world where out-of-the-box solutions rarely exist, and setting up proper acceptance or integration test environments usually requires physical devices and quite a bit of in-house software to get everything working. Compared to that, the web development world is quite different with various available testing services and tools which make the high level system testing possible with much less resources. Based on various web discussion forums and blogs it seems that the testing is seen as a crucial part of the web development, and test automation is highly recommended. One of the[…]

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Modern Web Development Setup – The Testing Environment (1/2)

Testing and Deployment Overview Before setting up the needed environments, it’s good to define the high level targets. The general idea in this setup is to make the deployments and testing automated where feasible, yet keep the system simple enough to implement and maintain. The target is to set up the system in such a way that acceptance testing and production environment updates are triggered manually even if the deployments are automated. Development Environment The local development environment is where the development is done. Created pull-requests, merges and other actions trigger jobs for the CI system. Version Control System The version control system keeps track[…]

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Desktop featured v2

Modern Web Development Setup – Introduction

Foreword I used to be a hobby php developer back in the days when I was a student, but for the last 10 years I’ve mostly worked in the embedded software scene. Last year I started working as a contractor web developer and I’ve been learning and working with web technologies ever since. With this background I’ve been learning and finding out what are the best ways to build web services these days and what tools and processes are effective for getting things done. There is a huge amount of information available in the web, but few articles offer more than bits and pieces[…]

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