
Work and Fun

I didn’t get any blog text written last week and I took some mental effort to get in the mood to write. For the last two weeks I’ve been focusing on learning React.js while building a web service and it’s been surprisingly fun and fulfilling. Work Habit Analysis I came across Memory app last week and I’ve been trying it out a bit. The app tracks what applications you’re using and what sites you’re browsing and spending time in and collects daily and weekly overviews about your time spend. The data can be used for tracking how much time you spend working in various[…]

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Tools and Apps

20 Tools, Apps and Services I’ve Found Useful as Digital Nomad and Sole Trader

I’ve now been a sole trader for six months and traveling as a digital nomad for a month. With that background in mind here is a list of around 20 web services, tools and apps I currently regularly use for business management, software development and personal purposes.   Productivity boosters Wunderlist This has been most likely my most important software during the last month or so. I’ve had a habit of keeping several todo lists in various places – email mail drafts, browser tabs, todo lists in stickers etc – but I realised it is not the optimal way to get things done so[…]

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